醫治過去…… Heal the past, live the present, dream the future!

Say good-by to yesterday!







時候已到; 這艘黎明前的小船,就要蓄勢待發…….

It does sound ridiculous to say good-by to my teenage years at the age of sixties, but…….

Actually I didn’t mean to intentionally forget the past.  

I was just hoping, somehow with my compassion and obedience, through His ever-lasting word and my humbled story, the faithfulness of God, the amazing grace of the Cross of Jesus Christ, and the miraculous wisdom and long suffering of the Holy Spirit could be revealed. 

For if even this person can be freshly revived by God, and so have been drawn out from her dark self-pity and deep depression, so will you!

I pray, this experience of the recovery of my humbled life,  might be helpful to some soul who is right now suffering in some corner of this hurting world.

May your prayers sustain, let our victory prevail!

Now the hour has come, this little morningboat is all ready for her sail……

(By Julia Chou) 

9 thoughts on “醫治過去…… Heal the past, live the present, dream the future!

  1. Thank you, Baobei,I so praise the Lord, for this blog thing is very special to me in a way; I feel finally I got a more regular and deeper way of communication with my children who, though speak beautiful Mandarin, read very very little Chinese characters.I used to dream and wish that my children and grandchildren could read my diary after I die, well, it seems that this dream might be coming true. :)Ai Ni

  2. Sorry, being unfamiliar with this blog thing, I accidentally clicked the wrong spot and misplaced my reply, and worst of all, haven't even noticed that until now. :)I want to say thank you so much for having been my great support. I appreciate your sibling love and I so enjoyed the priceless time of our growing up together.Love you so much, my dearest cousin!

  3. Oops, I made a mistake and misplaced my reply again as I last time did to Athena….Sorry, please see the "comment" from me below, which should be my reply to your comment.A little bit confusing, but I am sure I will outgrow with this soon. 🙂

  4. Thank you, Baobei!These almost 7 years of good relationship, which God has granted me as a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law, has been tremendously a great and meaningful therapy to me from some of the wounds of my past.I praise the Lord, and I love you so much!Ai Ni

  5. 剛纔看了三篇新文章,覺得非常扣人心弦, 很期待後續的來臨。God is using you to speak the truth, heal the souls and proclaim His great love. This is a great field for you to sow, cultivate and harvet. I am so happy for you that you have found an excellent way and place to be used by God. Praise God!

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