娃娃初戀 Puppy Love


和丈夫交往的時候,我們已經過了二十; 我們很相愛,而且都以為可以彼此相守了。






I used to carry a heavy sense of inferiority toward myself since I was a very little girl.

My hubby and I were both at our twenties when I dated him.  We were in love, and thought we could be with each other forever.

One day, I struggled to feel a strong need of letting him know some of my weakness.  I remember I finally uttered, with shame, unease and honesty,  “I don’t like my feet and my breasts.”

I guess it was then his turn, for after pausing a few seconds, I heard him responding, with a tone of not much expression.

“Me too,” he said, ” I’ve got the Athlete’s Foot, and also I ……well…..nothing.”

It seems funny now, yet I am deeply saddened as I recall.

As a Christian, why should I be so preoccupied by my own appearance that I seldom took time to talk about faith, life, character or integrity to my beloved boyfriend?

(By Julia Chou)

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