一位奇特的九十歲女子 An Unusual Ninty-Year-Old Lady

此照攝於大約十年前、我人在多倫多,母親患了老人抑鬱,我特地趕回來照顧她,並從那時起,我一心一意祈禱神帶我和丈夫回到美國加州,以便就近照顧母親。 This picture was taken about 10 years ago when my mom was ill with a depression, I came back to take care of her for a whole month and determined to move back to be near her since then.

此照攝於大約十年前、北加州父母家中。 當初我人在多倫多,母親84歲,患了老人抑鬱,我特地趕回來照顧她一個月。 從那時起,我一心一意祈禱神帶我和我的丈夫回到美國加州,以便就近照顧母親。
This picture was taken about 10 years ago at my parents’ home when my mom was ill with a bad depression, I came back to take care of her for a whole month and since then, I started to pray that God will bring my husband and me back to North California from Toronto to be near my dear and poor mother.

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傳福音的腳蹤何等佳美 It Is So Great To Share The Gospel

老先生健步如飛,想為他照張相都趕不上; 見我手忙,他甚至為我拉電腦箱。 Mr. Dicken Chen is 83 years old, and still a faithful evangelist who walk so firm and fast.

老先生健步如飛,想為他照張相、都沒法趕上; 見我手忙,他二話不說、立刻為我拉電腦箱。
Mr. Deacon Chen is 83 years old, and still a faithful evangelist who walk so firm and fast.

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