今天是我女兒的38歲生日 Happy Birthday, My Daughter!

那是在A城的第一個公寓吧!多懷念牆上妳畫的美麗水彩畫,以及桌上妳爸打的好喝的西瓜汁。 We were at our first place in Albuquerque; how much I miss the beautiful water color painting you made and the watermelon juice your dad made.

We were at our first place in Albuquerque; see the beautiful water color paintings you did and the delicious watermelon juice your dad made!

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等不及見我們的曾祖父母了! Cannot Wait To See Our Great Grandparents!

左上: 咱女兒一歲時,我老公給他丈人、丈母娘在台北照的相, 1977 February  in Taipei. 右上,37年後,我給爸媽在他們家後院的合照。 2013 September in North California. 下圖: 四年前(2009)母親在後院摔跌、裂了脊椎骨,女兒一家人趕來探望。 他們怕再也沒有機會見到91歲的姥姥。未料,我老媽住醫院一星期、住療養院一個月,就吵著要回家。 回到家之後,果真甩動甩動,又是好「漢」一條! This picture is taken from my daughter's instagram, dated Sep. 13th, 2013

左上: 咱女兒一歲時,我老公給他丈人、丈母娘在台北照的相, 1977 February in Taipei.
右上,37年後,我給爸媽在他們家後院的合照。 2013 September in North California.
下圖: 四年前(2009)母親在後院仰面摔跌、裂了脊椎骨,女兒一家人趕來探望。 他們怕再也沒有機會見到91歲的姥姥。未料,我老媽住醫院一星期、住療養院一個月,就吵著要回家。 回到家之後,果真甩動甩動,又是好「漢」一條!
This picture is taken from my daughter’s instagram, dated Sep. 13th, 2013.  My mom injured her back bone in 2009; my daughter was afraid that this might be the last chance to see her grandma Lao-Lao, so she and her husband with her 4 children came and we had a great time together.

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